[or_row full_width=”stretch_row” video_bg_url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dOWFVKb2JqM” parallax_speed=”1″ parallax_background_size=”yes”][or_column width=”12/12″][or_single_image image_size=”large” custom_link=”http://” animateswitch=”no” animateevent=”onhover”][or_column_text] Welcome to Big Apple Publishing, a small New York publishing company. The company was founded to focus on writing in the areas of spirituality, religion, mental health, leadership, as well as the interplay among these fields. In addition to this spectrum of disciplines, Big Apple Publishing also provides a venue for writers with a connection to New York. Big Apple Publishing is pleased to work with writers in a variety of ways. We are here to help people to tell the story that they need to express. Some writers may have a single book that they desire to get out there, while others will create series in order to convey their message. A few of our writers produce multiple works that are not in the same series. Most writers end up writing for one of the imprints that are part of Big Apple Publishing. If you find that you like one of our writers, you may want to explore other works that are on the same imprint. Among the imprints that we offer are: [/or_column_text][/or_column][/or_row][or_row][or_column width=”6/12″][or_icon icon_size=”40px” animateswitch=”no” animateevent=”onhover” icon=”fa-gittip” icon_align=”center” animateeffect=”bounce”][or_column_text animateswitch=”no” animateevent=”onhover”]

Shalom Press

This imprint focuses on spirituality, mental health and religion as well as how these topics relate to each other. This imprint includes series such such as Sacred Colors (combining aspects of adult coloring books and journaling to guide people through spiritual exercises) and Resources to Aid Shalom (books that either enhance the experience of working with a therapist or counselor, or in some cases that can be used on their own for insights and growth). [/or_column_text][/or_column][or_column width=”6/12″][or_icon icon_size=”40px” animateswitch=”no” animateevent=”onhover” icon=”fa-smile-o” icon_align=”center”][or_column_text animateswitch=”no” animateevent=”onhover”]

Fun Books Press

This imprint is focused on books that are intended to be more on the fun side of the spectrum. Some of them are just for fun and others under this imprint have a serious message but try to get it across in a fun way. This imprint includes series such as Home Town Pride, which provides readers with a series of exercises to better understand where they live and why they are proud to come from their location. [/or_column_text][/or_column][/or_row][or_row][or_column width=”12/12″][or_post_type_list title=”New Releases” number_post=”3″ image_size=”medium” number_word=”30″ show_button=”yes” readmore_text=”Read more” post_taxonomy=”post:new-releases” order_by=”date” order_list=”DESC” thumbnail=”yes”][or_post_type_list title=”Big Apple Publishing News” number_post=”5″ image_size=”thumbnail” number_word=”30″ show_button=”yes” readmore_text=”Read more” post_taxonomy=”post:news” order_by=”date” order_list=”ASC” thumbnail=”yes” show_date=”yes”][or_fb_recent_post max_height=”300px” number_post_show=”5″ number_of_des=”40″ show_image=”yes” show_like_count=”__empty__” show_comment_count=”__empty__” show_time=”yes” open_link_new_window=”yes” title=”The Latest Posts on Our Facebook Feed” fb_page_id=”ShalomPressNY” fb_app_id=”401101246952854″ fb_app_secret=”47dc53f00041008ab67460d822ac2309″][moto_contact_form_shortcode title=”Contact Us” description=”SWYgeW91IGhhdmUgYW55IHF1ZXN0aW9ucyBhYm91dCBCaWcgQXBwbGUgUHVibGlzaGluZywgb3VyIHJlc291cmNlcywgb3IgaWYgeW91IHdvdWxkIGxpa2UgdG8gbGVhcm4gaG93IHRvIHByb2R1Y2UgYSBib29rIHRocm91Z2ggdXMsIHBsZWFzZSBjb21wbGV0ZSB0aGlzIGZvcm0gYW5kIHdlIHdpbGwgZ2V0IGJhY2sgdG8geW91Lg==” contact=”yes” contact_style=”style1″ btn_align=”left”][/or_column][/or_row]